(We call this plane the green machine, hence the colour. Flown on it a couple times, its for promotional purposes.)
As exciting as it may sound, there is actually a lot more to it than most people think. From the moment those doors close you and your 2 other crew members are soley responsible for all 136 passengers in that cabin, they become YOUR babies. Most of the time it is fairly easy going and the people are a funny bunch, but its not the work that gets you down, its the fact that work is now all you do. Your whole life revolves around what hours you are working, when can you squeeze in necessary things like bank visits to pay bills or trips to the post office to post important letters. Suddenly everyday little neccessities of life become huge problems just to find time to do. And when it comes to a love life, well there isnt one... the life of a hostee is a glamourous one but it comes with a price. Lonelies is something you have to deal with everyday, waking up in an empty house when everyone has gone to work and coming home in the dead of night with everyone sleeping already, that is what you have to put up with. You never see your family, your pets, your friends (who dont work with you), and your days off are spent catching up on the everyday little necessities like paying bills and running erands. Yes, a day in the life of a hostee is tough, but I still love it!
Ah Ninin - it sounds like you need a hug from Lolli...so here is one
Hope you feel a little better soon soon. Love you x
Nin, you can meet other flight attendants in the blog world. Just go to your profile page that you made and you will see that you can click on where you filled in "flight attendant" by occupation-it will then take you to a page that has all the other people who have also filled this in. You can do the same for your hobbies ect..and create a group where you read blogs and others read yours!
Just a question - does mom and dad have the internet yet? Dad was supposed to get it a very long time ago! :)
Love you stax
Lolli xxx
dad was meant to sort out the internet ages ago but hasnt yet. we all trying to get him onto it. so we will sort it out soon dont worry. oxox
Thanks Nin...at least I get to talk to you though hey? xxx
lol yeah good about that. haha. mom told me you and ryan werent doing too well? wats wrong? xoxox
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